Play ominous stories with the RPG to slay the apocalypse.
HarK the omEns.
What strange events portend the Doom?
What does this mean?
Strange, mysterious, compelling. These can serve as story hooks for your next fantasy adventure. If you are running ARC RPG, it can also be any or all of the three manifestations of the Doom known as…well, Omens.
To help your players understand and resolve its root cause, you will also need to ask yourself “Why is this happening?” and “How does it affect the world?”. These Omens breathe: let them expand and take shape according to the needs of your story.
Who made this?
This generator was built by momatoes, who also created ARC. Half the Omens were written by real humans, the other half by a robot. Aside from momatoes, Omen contributors include members of the momatoes Discord, including Chiara, Will Kinchlea, bordercholly, Pidj, Lumensimus, Suzy, KTPie, Edd0, Paolo Spaziosi, Valis, Eric, Phil Corpuz, ThesipianMark, Erwin Casia, Azu, BrianOfTheWoods, Doreen/Edaureen/Dvaleris, eric, infruction, Kohei, Ladrana, mobius, MrPrim, ProtoGhost, Reverie, rom, sage, Troblinly Adam, Undead.Coffee, yumaikas. Twitter contributors included GamesDropbear, Tanya Floaker, AidanFrizzell, Sebrina Calkins, Caro Asercion, and BabblegumSam. Thank you!