ARC Creators License
ARC Creators License
v1.2 — last updated 10 March 2022
ARC’s values lie in encouraging creativity and storymaking whether during games or outside of it.
That’s why we made the ARC Creators License so anyone can publish ARC-compatible, -inspired and derived works for free or for sale without any fees or prior permission required—though you’ll need to…
1. Apply a few common-sense rules below
2. Include a legal disclaimer
3. Add a compatibility logo
What you can do with what
If you follow these terms you are allowed to publish, promote, market and sell original creative works (“ Your Stuff “) based upon and/or meant to work with ARC without express permission.
If you do not follow these terms, you do not have permission to publish Your Stuff.
✔ Your Stuff can be adventures, modules, rule variants, lore expansions, fan fiction, original artwork, or any other reasonable derivative work!
✔ Your Stuff can freely use and reference:
— Mechanics and rules of ARC. (Plus it’s already in the character sheets and digital tools)
✖ Your Stuff may not reproduce:
— Any artwork or copying the text itself, other than short minimally necessary things like names of places, people or creatures
Unless with explicit permission, Your Stuff should not mislead folks into thinking it’s an official, endorsed or sponsored product, which means…
✖ You can’t use any of the ARC or momatoes logos or trademarks, except as words clearly meant to identify or refer to ARC and the game in Your Stuff.
✖ You can’t use any element in a way that implies endorsement, like putting “ARC: Doom Tabletop RPG” in big letters at the top.
✔ Ideally, you can identify it’s Your Stuff by saying “Compatible with ARC” or adding the logo below.
Legal details you should add
This copyright notice must be legibly included somewhere on Your Stuff and, if you sell it, included in the product description somewhere noticeable:
ARC: DOOM Tabletop RPG is copyright momatoes. Used under license.
This DISCLAIMER must also be legibly included somewhere on Your Stuff and, if you sell Your Stuff , included in the product description or at least in your website’s Legal Notices page (if your website doesn’t have a Legal Notices page, get one!):
This [PRODUCT/STORY/ARTWORK/HAND-KNITTED SWEATER/ETC] is an original creation of [YOUR NAME HERE] and is not produced or endorsed by momatoes. Created under the ARC Creators License.
Legal details you should know
Neither momatoes nor any employee, agent, licensee, relative, friend or pet of momatoes (the “momatoes corps”) accepts any responsibility for any legal claims against Your Stuff.
The momatoes corps expressly disavows any warranty, guarantee, or implication that ARC Stuff—ARC, materials published or later released or related works produced by or for momatoes—is free now or in the future of any claim by any other person or entity. You publish Your Stuff at your own risk. (Which is pretty apropos for a game about the end of the world, we like to think.)
By publishing Your Stuff under the terms of the License, you expressly agree that the risk of doing that is on you, and you agree to hold the momatoes corps harmless from any liability that you may incur.
The momatoes corps is based in the Philippines, and that’s where any issues that we can’t talk out peacefully are to be resolved. By publishing under the License, you agree that any and all legal disputes, controversies or claims related to the License or Your Stuff shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines and be settled by a Filipino court.
Last but not least
This is a game about the end of the world—or something like it. It’s can get pretty bleak. We get that. However, the momatoes corps strictly disavows racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and similar forms of hate. Any Stuff that embeds or promotes these, or goes over the line (at our reasonable discretion) will be given written notice for a chance to fix or unpublish the work, or else be deemed an unauthorized and unlicensed creation.
Absent you violating the above or any other terms, the License is good for ALL ETERNITY AND THROUGHOUT THE (KNOWN) UNIVERSE.
The momatoes corps may, at its discretion, withdraw the License at any time. If the License is withdrawn, all of Your Stuff which was already published will remain fully licensed, but you may not publish any new stuff based on ARC Stuff as it will not be licensed.